Brand Identity

Our Secret Sauce to Understanding Your Brand

One of my favorite shows is Project Runway, where fashion designers compete week after week to create their best work

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

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Kickoff prep is the strategic underpinning that harnesses the essence of your brand and starts the project off on the right foot.

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At Focus Lab, our process is informed by our decade-plus of B2B tech branding experience. Over the years, we’ve honed a formula that not only results in an enjoyable experience and outcomes that meet business goals, but also takes a lot of the unknowns and trial and error out of branding projects.

One of the first parts of our process that client partners interact with is kickoff prep, which is exactly what it sounds like: a group of exercises that help the client team prepare for the journey ahead by collecting information about their brand in a single place.

Как с помощью подписной модели зарабатывать сотни тысяч на контенте и комьюнити в Telegram

Как с помощью подписной модели зарабатывать сотни тысяч

Как с помощью подписной модели зарабатывать сотни тысяч
  1. At Focus Lab, our process is informed by our decade-plus of B2B tech branding experience.
  2. Over the years, we’ve honed a formula that not only results in an enjoyable experience and outcomes that meet business goals, but also takes a lot of the unknowns and trial and error out of branding projects.
  3. One of the first parts of our process that client partners interact with is kickoff prep, which is exactly what it sounds like: a group of exercises that help the client team prepare for the journey ahead by collecting information about their brand in a single place.
Во время эфиров Анна отвечает на вопросы, которые подписчики оставили под специальным постом

Kickoff prep is the strategic underpinning that harnesses the essence of your brand and starts the project off on the right foot.

At Focus Lab, our process is informed by our decade-plus of B2B tech branding experience. Over the years, we’ve honed a formula that not only results in an enjoyable experience and outcomes that meet business goals, but also takes a lot of the unknowns and trial and error out of branding projects.

One of the first parts of our process that client partners interact with is kickoff prep, which is exactly what it sounds like: a group of exercises that help the client team prepare for the journey ahead by collecting information about their brand in a single place.

Kickoff prep is the strategic underpinning that harnesses the essence of your brand and starts the project off on the right foot.
Во время эфиров Анна отвечает на вопросы, которые подписчики оставили под специальным постом

Как с помощью подписной модели зарабатывать сотни тысяч на контенте и комьюнити в Telegram: 5 кейсов от авторов Paywall

Ты сюда приехал отдыхать или всё-таки планируешь какой-то контент делать?

— Наверное, больше… Сложно сказать, как бы для меня такой формат, когда я хожу там к кому-то на комьюнити-каст в гости, — это отдых, потому что это не мой стрим, у меня нет нужды сидеть где-то от звонка до звонка. На чилле пришел пообщался с одними ребятами, пошел пообщался с другими. Короче, всё это для меня как будто отдых. Но по факту меня приглашали, наверное, в том числе чтобы я на комьюнити-касты пришел, чтобы я рассказал ребятам, что здесь происходит. Я это и так делаю, но просто как работу не воспринимаю.

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